As it stated in the Al-Quran (Al-Ahzab, 33:59), go look it up and read with your own eyes :) none of the verses mention that women HAVE TO wear veil. Therefore, this article called "Muslim minister killed 'for not wearing a veil' "is pissing me off a lil bit.It seems that these people are doing unpleasant things in the name of Islam which I think is completely wrong despite the fact that Pakistan indeed an Islamic state!!!why?because it' NOT Islam!
Mostly because as a Muslim I believe that once you wear a veil you are not supposed to take it off till the rest of your life (it is a pretty strong commitment!) and wearing a veil means that you have to be fully committed to all the five pillars of Islam; no skipping salat (prayers), fasting not only during Ramadhan but also every Mondays and Tuesdays (just what is says in the Sunna and Hadist), and all of those acts.
So, let women decide and choose to wear veil!
I think the view you have of the veil is really GREAT!! Wearing it is a commitment and I know from talking last week after one of the movies, that even if prohibited to do certain things in society like attending school, you still need to be committed to the veil and not to the thing in society. I respect anyone who is committed enough to their religion to not be able to do what they want so they can follow their faith more closely.