Sunday, May 10, 2009

Westernized View of Pakistani Family- Karen

I think it is really interesting so far in the movies we have watched that women are portrayed to be treated so badly. In the movie Monsoon wedding, the father did not seem to treat his family lovingly because he was under so much stress due to his one daughter's wedding. The point at which you saw that he actually cared was when his one daughter opened up about being raped by her uncle. The father stuck up for her and kicked the uncle out of the house for the remainder of the wedding festivities.
In East is East the children of the family are having an identity crisis. They do not know if they are British like their mother or Pakistani like their father, and their father does not make it easy for them to be both. After the oldest son is kicked out of the family due to leaving an arranged marriage at the alter, the father feels it necessary to try to arrange his next two oldest sons into marriage. If the first one did not wrok, why try another time? Also the way he treats his wife is a poor portrayal of what all families are like.
I feel like people in the US feel as though their lifestyles are superior to other cultures so we feel the need to nit pick at them and find all the small things that could be wrong and blow them out of proportion. The more that other cultures have wrong with them the more normal we feel as a country which is not right! I think people in the US need to try to find a more natural view of people in other countries and show that instead of a bogus movie version. Either that or start portraying ourselves as what we really are like in the US.

1 comment:

  1. I definitely agree with you Karen. The people in the US think that we have life perfect compared to other countries but if you think about it, how many marriages end up in divorce? Or look at the amount of domestic violence and child abuse that happens in the US. We are a very violent nation that must get ourselves involved with every other nation who we think is having problems when we cannot even correct our own problems. The US government lashes out against world hunger and terrorist attacks but the problem is, we have people starving in our own country and they cannot even receive the help they need because of all the regulations placed on them. I agree that the US needs to portray ourselves for what is really happening rather than giving everyone a false image to make us look better than countries having the same problems.
